
Ali and Zara Love 💕 Story in English

Once upon a time in the bustling streets of Lahore, Ali and Zara's eyes met in a crowded market. The vibrant colors of spices couldn't match the chemistry between them. Their love blossomed like the gardens of Shalimar, each moment etched with the poetry of their shared glances. As the seasons changed, so did their journey. From moonlit walks along the banks of the Ravi River to stolen glances in the historic Wazir Khan Mosque, their love story unfolded like a classic ghazal. Amidst the echoes of qawwalis and the fragrance of jasmine, Ali and Zara's hearts danced to the rhythm of their shared dreams. However, like a sudden monsoon shower, challenges poured into their lives. Family expectations, societal norms, and the distance between their dreams created storms that threatened their union. Yet, like the resilient banyan trees of Islamabad, their love stood strong against the winds of adversity. In the end, under the shimmering stars of the Thar Desert, Ali and Zara found s...

15 Simple Ways to Lose Weight In 2 Weeks 2021

f ifteen simple ways to lose weight in two weeks stress at work eating junk food and poor sleep prevents you from achieving your dream body and can even make things worse but losing weight isn't always about strict diets and exhausting workouts there are many tricks that can help you lose a bit of excess weight in just two weeks in today's video we're going to share with you 15 tips that can help you get rid of excess belly fat most people don't even know about these tricks before we get started be sure to click the subscribe button and turn on the little notification bell now you won't miss any of the important updates coming out daily on the bright side of life number 15 avoid sugary drinks when your sweet tooth kicks in you're often tempted to chug a can of soda or some fruit juice however if you're determined to lose weight this sugary addiction must stop it has been proven by doctors from the department of nutrition at the Harvard School of Public Healt...

بھارتی لوگ ناشتے میں پوہا کیوں کھاتے ہیں؟ جانیں اس کے فوائد اور بنانے کا آسان طریقے

 ہر قوم کے مختلف رسم و رواج کی طرح ان کے کھانے بھی ایک دوسرے سے مختلف ہوتے ہیں۔ آپ نے اکثر سُنا ہوگا کہ بھارتی لوگ صبح کے ناشتے میں پوہا پہت شوق سے کھاتے ہیں۔ مگر کیا آپ نے کبھی سوچا ہے کہ اس کی کیا وجہ ہے؟ چلیں آج ہم آپ کو بتاتے ہیں۔ دراصل پوہا ناشتے میں اس لئے کھایا جاتا ہے کیونکہ یہ ایک ہلکی غذا ہے اور اس کو کھا لینے سے آپ کو دیر تک بھوک کا احساس نہیں ہوتا۔ اس میں آئرن کی وافر مقدار موجود ہوتی ہے۔ مگر آپ سو رہے ہوں گے کہ آخر یہ پوہا کیا ہے؟ چلیں تو ہم بتا دیتے ہیں، دراصل پوہا چاولوں کو چپٹا کر کے دلیے کی طرح بنائی گئی ایک ایسی کھانے کی چیز ہے جسے دہی یا پھر دودھ میں ملا کر کھایا جاتا ہے یا پھر اس کو درج ذیل ترکیب سے بنایا جاتا ہے۔ اجزاء ایک کھانے کا چمچ مونگ پھلی یا زیتون کا تیل 2 سے 3 کپ پوہا (چپٹے کئے ہوئے چاول) ½ چائے کا چمچ چینی ایک عدد باریک کٹی ہوئی ہری مرچ ایک عدد پیاز کیوب میں کٹی ہوئی ایک کپ اُبلے اور کیوب میں کٹے ہوئے آلو ½ مونگ پھلی یا پھر کاجو ہلدی چٹکی بھر سرسوں کے بیج ایک چائے کا چمچ کڑی پتے 6 سے 7 عدد نمک حسبِ زائقہ ترکیب پوہا پانی میں بھگو کر اسے دھو لیں۔ پھر اسے...

25 Health Tips For Longer Life 2022

You are a number of things you can resolve to do in order to slow down your biological clock and live longer whether y ou're in your 20s or 30s all the way to your 60s 70s and beyond in fact research has shown it's never too late to start healthy habits here are 25 tips to live a longer life 1. maintain a well-balanced diet for a healthy living a well-balanced diet is eating different kinds of nutritious foods in proportion it will boost your energy and will improve your welfare excessive as well as deficiency of specific vitamins and minerals can also cause undesirable effects to your health 2. water is vital to sustain a healthy life it is recommended to drink at least eight ounces of eight glasses of water every day it aids the cells tissues and organs to function normally body water deficit or dehydration can cause serious damage to kidneys and other organs which may result in mental confusion coma and even death if not given medical intervention immediately three control y...

The 5 Top Health Tips Of All Time

  Le t's talk about the five top health tips of all time someone suggested doing this on one of my youtube videos so i sat down and really took a look at what would be the most important tips that you should focus on to do that i had to first look at the top worst tips of all time okay which are some of these right here than to come up with the best tips it's just a good way to figure things out by looking at the opposite side the problem that most people are running into is that they're they google stuff and they're trying to find the best tips but what they're going to get is either the worst tips or trivial things so what i want to focus on is the most vital things to produce the most health but mainstream talks about doing low fat low salt drinking lots of water gallons of water now there's nothing wrong with drinking enough water but you could actually overdo it especially if you're low on salt because you're diluting your electrolytes if you're...